

Current Position:Home - Products - Interconnect solution -RP/RD Series


Release Time: 2021-07-27 Browse: 0

RP233 laminates are woven fiberglass/PTFE composite materials. Using precise control of the fiberglass/PTFE ratio, RP233 laminates offer a range of choices from the lowest dielectric constant and dissipation factor to a more highly reinforced laminate with better dimensional stability.

The woven fiberglass reinforcement in RP233 products provides greater dimensional stability than nonwoven fiberglass reinforced PTFE based laminates of similar dielectric constants. The consistency and precise control of the PTFE coated fiberglass cloth allows Relong to offer stable dielectric constants.

RP233 laminates are frequently used in filter, coupler and low noise amplifier (LNA) applications,where dielectric constant uniformity is critical.They are also used in power dividers and combiners, where low loss(Df 0.0013) is important.


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