

Current Position:Home - Products - Interconnect solution -RP/RD Series


Release Time: 2020-09-16 Browse: 0

Ruilong R220 is a composite of woven fiberglass cloth and PTFE resin. By precisely controlling the proportion of fiberglass cloth and PTFE resin, it provides a series of substrates with the lowest dielectric constant and dielectric loss, and better dimensional stability.

In the R220 series products, the substrate supported by woven fiberglass cloth has better dimensional stability than the substrate supported by nonwoven cloth under the same dielectric constant. Ruilong technology has accurate PTFE coating technology, so the substrate has better dielectric constant consistency.

The R220 substrate is commonly used in filter, coupler and low noise amplifier (LNA) design, and other applications requiring high dielectric constant consistency of the substrate. The R220 has a very low dielectric loss (Df 0.0009), so it is also suitable for use in power dividers and synthesizers.

R220 TDS

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