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Release Time: 2018-02-27 Browse: 0

  RHC350A is a woven fiberglass reinforced, ceramic filled, PTFE-based composite. RHC350A is designed to provide enhanced heat-transfer through “Best-In-Class” thermal conductivity, while reducing dielectric loss and insertion loss. Lower losses result in higher Amplifier and Antenna Gains / Efficiencies.

  The increased thermal conductivity of RHC350A provides higher power handling, reduces hot-spots and improves device reliability. This higher heat transfer within the substrate complements designs using coins, heat sinks or thermal via to provide designers additional design margin in managing heat. In designs with limited thermal management options, RHC350A significantly improves heat transfer where the primary thermal path is through the laminate. This results in reduced junction temperatures and extends the life of active components, which is critical for improving power amplifier reliability, extending MTBF and reducing warranty costs. In addition, lower operating temperatures and chip-matching thermal expansion characteristics provide better reliability for component attachment prone to solder fatigue, solder softening and joint failure.

  RHC350A has excellent Dielectric Constant Stability across a wide temperature range. This helps Power Amplifier and Antenna designers maximize gain and minimize dead bandwidth lost to dielectric constant drift as operating temperature changes. Dielectric constant stability is also critical to phase and impedance sensitive devices such as network transformers utilized for impedance matching networks utilized in power amplifier circuitry or in Wilkinson Power Dividers.

  RHC350A has low Z-Direction CTE which matches copper. This feature provides unsurpassed plated through hole reliability. RHC350A is a "soft substrate" that meets military standard requirements for vibration and shock resistance testing.

  RHC350A enjoys a strong bond to copper, utilizing microwave grade low profile copper. Unlike ceramic hydrocarbons that need to utilize “toothy copper” to achieve acceptable bond, RHC350A utilizes relatively smooth copper. This results in even lower insertion loss due to skin effect losses of copper that are more obvious at higher RF and microwave frequencies.


RHC350A processing instruction. PDF ? ? ? ?

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