

Current Position:Home - Products - RA300 Series

RA300 Series


?Ceramic/PTFE Microwave Composite

?Lowest Insertion Loss in Class

?“Best-in-Class” Loss Tangent (0.0011)

?Electrical Phase Stability 

?High Thermal Conductivity

?Tightest Dielectric Constant (±0.03)    and Thickness Tolerance


?Excellent Thermal Stability of DK and Df

?Phase Stability vs. Temperature

?High Degree of Dimensional

Stability Required for Complex,

Multi-layer Boards

?Excellent CTE in X,Y and Z Directions

Typical Applications:

?Microwave/RF Applications


?Phase Fed Array Antennas

?Microwave Feed Networks

?CNI (Communication, Navigation and Identification) Applications

?Other High Frequency and High Speed Applications.


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