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RHC Series


?“Best  in Class”  Thermal Conductivity( 0.8 W / m K ) 

?Dielectric Constant Stability across Wide Temperatures( - 9  pp m / ℃)

?Very  Low Loss Tangent  provides Higher Amplifier or Antenna  Efficiency

?Priced Affordably for Commercial Application

?High  Peel  Strength for Reliable

Copper Adhesion in thermally stressed applications

?Meet Military Standard for Shock and Impact Resistance Test


?Heat Dissipation and  Management

?Improved Processing and Reliability

?Large  Panel Sizes  for Multiple Circuit Layout for lowered Processing Costs

Typical Applications:

?Power Amplifiers, Filters and Couplers

?Tower Mounted Amplifiers (TMA) and Tower Mounted Boosters (TMB)

?Thermally Cycled Antennas sensitive to dielectric  drift

?Microwave Combiner  and Power Dividers

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